020 8741 1940


Date: 25/5/2024
Time: Bar 7:30 pm / music: 8:30 pm
Price: £15 on the door and Eventbrite
Table booking (11AM-8PM): 07583969014
Buy tickets

Saturday 25 May 2024

Agata Kubiak Quintet presents: “History of Jazz Violin”.

Agata’s Quintet had a pleasure of performing on the Polish Jazz Café POSK stage many times. This time musicians will present a concert full of jazz violin repertoire. From Ginger Smock, Stuff Smith, Stephane Grappelli to Michał Urbaniak and Zbigniew Seifert. This special repertoire will feature Agata on both voice and violin.

Agata Kubiak is a London-based jazz violinist and singer. Originally from Poland, Agata’s playing and music is strongly rooted within the polish jazz tradition. Her violin playing is influenced by a variety of styles, from post-bop, late Coltrane, and Seifert through polish folk to metal and contemporary classical. Agata studied jazz voice with Anita Wardell and Iain McKenzie. She was a finalist of an international jazz competition Riga Jazz Stage 2014 and was also listed in the top 20 female jazz singers by the European Jazz Magazine ‘Jazz Forum’ in 2015. Since her debut album (‘Polarity’) release in 2014 she completed a PhD studying creativity in performer-composer collaborations. Apart from a busy performing and recording career Agata is a published academic author, and currently teaches at the London College of Music.

Ralph Brown is a Doncaster-based jazz pianist and composer. He is very happy to be reunited with the Agata Kubiak 8 years after her debut album release. Ralph has played nationally and internationally since graduating from a Royal Birmingham Conservatoire in 2012. He is grateful to be a student of the late John Taylor, one of his main jazz piano influences. Ralph spent many years pursuing a career as a Music Director around the world. He is now back in UK, based in Yorkshire, engaged with a busy performing and teaching schedule. Ralph also leads and writes for his own group Ralph Brown Quartet.

Tom Kenworthy is a jazz guitarist based in London. He is influenced by both the bebop and free improvisation traditions as well as elements of various folk music, 20th century ‘classical ’music, blues and metal. He was strongly affected by a short period studying with Stuart Hall. Apart from the Agata Kubiak Quintet, he has worked among others with Selectric and the Charlie Pyne Quartet.

Born in Poland, based in London, Jakub Cywiński is a double bass player and composer who currently explores his interest in collaborating with various contemporary composers and jazz musicians such as Ola Onabule, Nicolas Meier, Julian Nicholas, Partikel, Duncan Eagles Quartet among others… He studied double bass as a postgraduate at the Royal College of Music. His varied freelance career has taken him to India, Russia, Lebanon and other places around the world.

Ollie Peszynski is a Drummer who grew up playing in and around the Bristol music scene until going to The University of Southampton in 2017. Now in London, Ollie has completed his Masters at The Guildhall School of Music & Drama and is regularly performing at some of the city's most celebrated jazz clubs, such as Pizza Express Soho, The Piano Bar, Spice of Life and The Vortex Jazz Club to name a few.

Line up:

Agata Kubiak – violin, voice

Ralph Brown – piano

Tom Kenworthy – guitar

Jakub Cywiński – d.bass

Ollie Peszynski – drums


Instagram: @agatakubiakmusic

Agata Kubiak Quintet prezentuje: „Historia skrzypiec jazzowych!”.

Kwintet Agaty miał przyjemność wielokrotnie występować na scenie Jazz Café POSK. Tym razem muzycy zaprezentują koncert pełen jazzowego repertuaru skrzypcowego. Od Ginger Smock, Stuff Smith i Stephane Grappelli po Michała Urbaniaka i Zbigniewa Seiferta. W tym specjalnym repertuarze Agata zarówno zaśpiewa, jak i zagra na skrzypcach.

Agata Kubiakto mieszkająca w Londynie skrzypaczka jazzowa i wokalistka. Pochodząca z Polski gra i muzyka Agaty jest mocno zakorzeniona w tradycji polskiego jazzu. Na jej grę wpływają różnorodne style, od post-bopu, późnego Coltrane'a i Seiferta, poprzez polski folk, po metal i współczesną klasykę. Agata studiowała śpiew jazzowy u Anity Wardell i Iaina McKenziego. Była finalistką międzynarodowego konkursu jazzowego Riga Jazz Stage 2014, a także znalazła się na liście 20 najlepszych wokalistek jazzowych według Europejskiego Magazynu Jazzowego „Jazz Forum” w 2015 roku. Od wydania debiutanckiego albumu („Polarity”) w 2014 roku ukończyła Doktorat studiując "kreatywność we współpracy wykonawca-kompozytor". Oprócz kariery koncertowej i nagraniowej Agata jest autorką publikacji naukowych, a obecnie wykłada w London College of Music.


Agata Kubiak – skrzypce, głos

Ralph Brown – fortepian

Tom Kenworthy – gitara

Jakub Cywiński – kontrabas

Ollie Peszyński – perkusja

W6 0RF
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