020 8741 1940


Date: 1/3/2024
Time: Bar 7:30 pm / music 8:30 pm
Price: £15 on the door and Eventbrite
Table booking (11AM-8PM): 07583969014
Buy tickets

Friday 1 March 2024

The Blues Eternity – A Tribute to Mark “Bestia" Olbrich with Eddie Angel Group, Laurie Garman & Friends!

Line up:


Eddie Angel – vocals & guitar (GB)

Mar Todani – guitar (France/Japan)

Andy Blowers – bass (GB)

Tomek Bubienczyk – drums (Poland)

Danny Martin – keyboards (GB)

PLUS Laurie Garman – harmonica (GB)

Special Guests: Todd Sharpville, Sam Kelly, Manny Fizzotti, and others…

A concert in celebration of the life and musical prowess of top British-Polish blues bassist, Mark Olbrich – by the electrifying Eddie Angel Group (joined by Danny Martin) with legendary harmonica player, Laurie Garman, and many special guests. This unique performance is presented by Mark’s family and friends as the only fitting tribute for a man devilishly devoted to the blues!

With proceeds donated to the British Heart Foundation.

After many, many years’ touring, recording, and living the true blues life with his friend Mark Olbrich, Eddie Angel is bringing his full band, The Imperial Ravens to the UK to play select tracks from ‘The Blues Eternity’, which he and Mark co-wrote and produced. Sounds from this exceptional contemporary blues LP, which the band played live at festivals and gigs across Europe and America, will form the first half of the show. The second part of the evening will see specially invited guest musicians join the Eddie Angel Group and Laurie Garman [The Yardbirds, Freddie King] to serve up a rocking testament to their friend and the blues eternal.

Mark ‘Bestia’ Olbrich kicked off his bass career in his native Warsaw alongside Polish rock god Zbiggi Holdys – who described him as ‘the grooviest blues bassist around’. And Mark more than lived up to that hype over decades of jamming and gigging with revered musicians such as Earl Green at ace venues such as London’s The Weavers as well as in the US, before taking the leap to also becoming band leader of ‘The Mark Olbrich Blues Eternity’. In 2006, the outfit released hit album ‘Blues Eternity, which won critical plaudits across Europe, featuring fantastic Floridian bluesman (and Mark’s dear friend) Sarasota Slim.

Hop forward to 2014 and the band’s outstanding live album ‘Live at Pamela Blues featuring Jimmy Thomas’ was named “Blues Record of the Year”. Over years to come, back in Europe with Eddie, Laurie and the phenomenal Jimmy Thomas – a sensational vocalist, who performed with Tina Turner as well as The Rolling Stones and Lou Reed – the band rocked venues and headlined festivals. In 2017, Mark, Eddie and the band released the killer ‘Blues Everywhere’, a contemporary blues ode to the Southern states that birthed the form – and tribute to legendary blues gods such as Robert Johnson and BB King that came before them. The next year, Mark was inducted into the International Polish Music Makers Hall of Fame. And the committed bluesman, extraordinary bassist and absolute class human kept right on writing, playing, and performing until he departed this Earth in 2021.

Praise for Blues Eternity…

"Overall, this album really does sound like a true representation of a top band playing out of its skin in front of an enthusiastic crowd” - Blues Review.

Praise for Blues Everywhere….

Blues Everywhereis a short, sharp and focused celebration of contemporary blues. Moreover, Mark Olbrichs Blues Eternity is a great barometer of the standard of blues on both sides of the Atlantic. They rock, they boogie, they get deep into the blues and groove effortlessly on an album of original material that makes a significant impact”Pete Feenstra, Get Ready to Rock


The Blues Eternity – hołd dla Marka „Bestii” Olbricha oddany przez Eddie Angel Group, Laurie Garman i przyjaciół!



Eddie Angel – wokal i gitara (Wielka Brytania)

Mar Todani – gitara (Francja/Japonia)

Andy Blowers – bas (Wielka Brytania)

Tomek Bubieńczyk – perkusja (Polska)

Danny Martin – instrumenty klawiszowe (Wielka Brytania)

PLUS Laurie Garman – harmonijka ustna (GB)

Goście specjalni: Todd Sharpville, Sam Kelly, Manny Fizzotti i inni…

Koncert upamiętniający życie i muzyczną działalnośc czołowego brytyjsko-polskiego basisty bluesowego Marka Olbricha – w wykonaniu elektryzującej grupy Eddie Angel Group (do której dołączył Danny Martin) z legendarną harmonijką Laurie Garman i wieloma gośćmi specjalnymi. Rodzina i przyjaciele Marka przedstawiają ten wyjątkowy koncert jako hołd dla człowieka diabelsko oddanego bluesowi!

Dochód przekazany bedzie na rzecz British Heart Foundation.

Po wielu, wielu latach tras koncertowych, nagrań i prawdziwego bluesowego życia ze swoim przyjacielem Markiem Olbrichem, Eddie Angel zabiera swój zespół The Imperial Ravens do Wielkiej Brytanii, aby zagrać wybrane utwory z albumu „The Blues Eternity”, którego Mark jest współautorem i producentem. Pierwszą połowę koncertu stanowić będą dźwięki z tej wyjątkowej płyty, którą zespół grał na żywo na festiwalach i koncertach w Europie i Ameryce. W drugiej części wieczoru specjalnie zaproszeni muzycy dołączą do Eddie Angel Group i Laurie Garman (The Yardbirds, Freddie King), aby złożyć rockowo-bluesowy hołd swojemu przyjacielowi i buesowej wieczności!

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