020 8741 1940


Date: 17/5/2024
Time: Bar 7:30 pm / music 8:30 pm
Price: £15 on the door and Eventbrite
Table booking (11AM-8PM): 07583969014
Buy tickets

Friday 17 May 2024

Tomasz Bura Group with Rouhangeze and Special Guests + Jam Session!

The exciting Tomasz Bura Group with Rouhangeze and Special Guests will deliver an engaging and dynamic evening of live music they prepared especially for Jazz Café POSK, followed by a collaborative Jam Session!

Dear Music Enthusiasts, we are excited to invite you to a new and special night of live music at Jazz Café POSK. Get ready to experience the magic as we proudly present the Tomasz Bura Group with Rouhangeze & Special Guests + a jam session!

In the first set, you will experience the sound of the Tomasz Bura Group, led by pianist and keyboard player Tomasz Bura, along with his band and an amazing singer Rouhangeze.

As praised by Chris Philips of Jazz FM: "One of the best bands on the British jazz scene right now. Inspirational music to leave you brimming over, brilliantly composed and executed with an obvious synergy and joy".

Line up:

Tomasz Bura - piano, Osmose.

Rouhangeze  - vocals

Kevin Glasgow - bass

Zoe Pascal - drums

Plus Guests

and Jam Session!

Following this, the night continues with an interactive second set, inviting musicians from all backgrounds and genres to join us for a collaborative jam session. It's a chance for artists to come together, share ideas, and inspire one another through spontaneous musical exploration.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to immerse yourself in an evening of musicality and artistic expression at Jazz Café POSK. Join us for an unforgettable event featuring the Tomasz Bura Group with Rouhangeze & their Special Guests!

Tomasz Bura Group: an impassioned, heartfelt ensemble with dynamic extremes fusing jazz, rock, soul, and cinematic music. Compelling in its navigation through electronics and the acoustic. The vocals of RUH add magic to the ensemble. Her silken smooth delivery paired with charismatic flair on stage moves the heart of people, transporting the audience to a spellbinding emotional place.

Tomasz Bura, pianist and composer: with a growing presence on the European jazz scene, Tomasz has delighted audiences in esteemed venues like London's Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club and featured in notable jazz festivals, including Jazz à Vienne in France. His captivating performances have also caught the attention of television and radio audiences, with appearances on popular platforms such as MTV Brand New, BBC, Channel 1, BBC Radio 1, BBC London Radio, JazzFM and TSF Jazz in Paris. Since making his move from Poland to London in 2011, Tomasz has been on a musical journey, touring across Europe and Africa, gracing the stages of renowned music festivals both as a featured musician and bandleader, building well-deserved buzz across Europe's jazz landscape with his inventive playing and writing fusing jazz improvisation with classical elements.

Rouhangeze is a contemporary multi genre singer-songwriter, composer born and bred on the beautiful, all intoxicating island of Mauritius; her velvet vocal tones echo the emotion and beauty of her homeland. Her voice is compelling with an ease, soul and versatility. A smooth ascension of melody, technicality and heart…Her timing in delivery of phrases brings about such a resolute feeling of joy to the listener. Charged with a passionate heart, every nuance articulates a dynamic story, grabbing your attention in wanting to hear where she takes you next. This is a singer of depth encased with a velvet tone, sensuality and by far, uniquely different from the flock. She is a multi-faceted artist, painter and holistic vocal therapist. Her compositions are basked in the colours of Africa and India influenced by her love of Jazz and the marriage between electronic and organic sounds.



Video 2 (“Signs”): https://youtu.be/DGR-5FAjl7k 

Ekscytująca Grupa Tomasza Bury wraz z wokalistką Rouhangeze i specjalnymi Goścmi zapewnią wciągający i dynamiczny wieczór z muzyką na żywo, którą przygotowali specjalnie dla Jazz Café POSK, i w ramach którego nastąpi wspólne JAM SESSION!

Drodzy Miłośnicy Muzyki, przygotujcie się na magię, którą z dumą prezentujemy wraz z Grupą Tomasza Bury z Rouhangeze & Special Guests wraz z JAM SESSION!

W pierwszym secie poznacie niesamowite brzmienie Grupy, na której czele stoi pianista i klawiszowiec Tomasz Bura wraz z ekscytującą wokalistką Rouhangeze!

Jak zachwalał Chris Philips z Jazz FM, Tomasz Bura Group to: „Jeden z najlepszych obecnie zespołów na brytyjskiej scenie jazzowej. Inspirująca muzyka, która Cię przepełni, genialnie skomponowana i wykonana z ewidentną synergią i radością”.

Następnie wieczór będzie kontynuowany interaktywnym drugim setem, podczas którego zaprosimy muzyków ze wszystkich środowisk i gatunków do wspólnego JAM SESSION! To szansa dla artystów na spotkanie, wymianę pomysłów i wzajemne inspirowanie się poprzez spontaniczne poszukiwania muzyczne!

Nie przegap okazji i zanurz się w wieczorze muzykalności i ekspresji artystycznej w Jazz Café POSK. Zapraszamy na niezapomniane wydarzenie z udziałem Grupy Tomasz Bura z Rouhangeze i ich Gośćmi Specjalnymi!


Tomasz Bura – fortepian, instr. klawiszowe

Rouhangeze – wokal

Kevin Glasgow - bas

Zoe Pascal– perkusja

Oraz Goście Specjalni!

W6 0RF
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