020 8741 1940


Date: 16/2/2024
Time: Bar 7:30 pm / music 8:30 pm
Price: £15 on the door and Eventbrite
Table booking (11AM-8PM): 07583969014
Buy tickets

Friday 16 February 2024

Norwegian jazz collective WAKO returns to Jazz Café POSK after their concert in March 2023, which was enthusiastically received by the club's audience! They have just recorded their 7th album, and at the concert there will be some spots for the new music to be explored, as well for old hits to shine; all played by an exceptionally well-coordinated collective!  

"Four Norwegian improvisers with an utter disregard for purism, and an almost reckless attitude towards taking musical risks - Wako are exploring their very own language and approach to music."

With seven albums and hundreds of live performances under their belt, Wako plays with an authority and personality that places them at the forefront of Nordic jazz. Wako is one of the most dynamic and innovative groups on today's jazz scene and has built a solid fan base and garnered recognition from critics near and far.

According to Mark Sullivan (All About Jazz - US), Wako is "a Norwegian jazz collective with a real collective sound", and the previous album "Wako" (Ear phonogram, 2020) was put on the top list of Jazzwise (UK) both in March and April 2020.

Wako has taken their ever-evolving musicality and creativity with them around Europe and done renditions of their music live both as a quartet, with the Oslo Strings ensemble, and with trumpet virtuoso Arve Henriksen, among others.

The scope of the music is always carefully adjusted to the audience, environment and musical material, which means that the concerts are not only superlative, but also unique experiences. In short, Wako is one of the most impressive young live groups on the scene today. 

Individually, the musicians can also be seen in projects such as Norwegian grammy winner Hegge, Norwegian grammy nominees Megalodon Collective, Espen Berg trio, Kjetil Mulelid Trio and Trondheim Jazz Orchestra.

PREVIEW/INTERVIEW IN LONDON JAZZ NEWS (February 2024) : https://londonjazznews.com/2024/02/05/wako-at-jazz-cafe-posk-16-feb/  

Line up:

Martin Myhre Olsen - saxophones 

Kjetil Mulelid- piano

Bárður Reinert Poulsen - double bass

Simon Olderskog Albertsen- drums  

“The music of Wako both soars to great heights and dives breathlessly into the chasms of harmony” - Dave Sumner 

“If tender, most beautiful Jazz music for late night listening is your jam, this one should not go unnoticed for a reason” - Nitestylez (DE) 

“The band’s music captures something very special here – an indefinable spirit. Out of the new comes something fresh and inspiring… a little gem of an album” - UKVibe (UK)  

Facebookpage: https://www.facebook.com/wakomusic

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wakoband/

Homepage: https://wakomusic.com

Video 2 (“Alt det vi tapte” live from Düsseldorf): https://youtu.be/dnhjsA582pk?si=xOHGj6O90m_cMavZ  

Video 3 (“pleb Yalu” live from studio): https://youtu.be/-Jbo54f-6ZA?si=rmYYWm-GqKOo0en6

Norweski kolektyw jazzowy WAKO powraca do Jazz Café POSK po koncercie w marcu 2023, który został entuzjastycznie przyjęty przez klubową publiczność! Właśnie nagrali swój siódmy album, a podczas ich występu będzie można posłuchać zarówno nowej muzyki, jak i kompozycji z poprzednich płyt; a wszystko to wykonane przez wyjątkowo zgrany kolektyw!

„Czterech norweskich improwizatorów, całkowicie lekceważących puryzm, o  niemal lekkomyślnym stosunku do podejmowania muzycznego ryzyka – Wako odkrywają swój własny język i podejście do muzyki”.
Mając na swoim koncie siedem albumów i setki występów na żywo, Wako grają z pewnością i osobowością, która stawia ich w czołówce nordyckiego jazzu. Wako to jedna z najbardziej dynamicznych i innowacyjnych grup na współczesnej scenie jazzowej, która zbudowała solidną bazę fanów i zyskała uznanie międzynarodowych krytyków!
Martin Myhre Olsen - saksofony
Kjetil Mulelid - fortepian
Bárður Reinert Poulsen - kontrabas
Simon Olderskog Albertsen - perkusja
W6 0RF
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